Alt Code List


Special characters known as “alt code symbols” are often not found on a keyboard. They consist of musical notes, arrows, happy faces, and shapes. They may be used to create a laid-back, enjoyable vibe for your website. 

When creating a stunning website appearance, even the little details count. Similar to hidden characters, alt code symbols are something you may add to your texts to spice things up. Although not on your standard keyboard, you can insert them into your text by hitting our digital page with thousands of such marks. 

Cool Looks 

These symbols can add some personality to your website. They can make it look more fun and unique. For example, you can use a smiley face ☺ to show happiness or a heart ♥ to show love. Many others explore all of them. 

☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○ ◙ ♂ ♀ ♪ ♫ ☼ ► ◄ ↕ ‼ ¶ §

These symbols aren’t just for looks. They can also help people understand your website better. You can use symbols like arrows to show what’s essential or shapes to organize information. This makes it easier for people to read and use your website.

Whether you want to add some personality, make things more straightforward, or just make people happy, these symbols can help. Try using them on your channels and see how they can make a difference! ☻


Special keyboard symbols are unique characters like smiley faces or hearts that you can add to your text using your keyboard.

You can add them by holding down certain keys on your keyboard and typing in a specific combination of characters.

These symbols can make your website more visually attractive and help you express ideas fun and creatively.

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